

来源 :发布日期:2024-03-28点击量:



   单倍体育种技术能够实现育种材料的快速纯合,大大加快选系进程,是大豆快速育种的突破性关键技术,通过融合生物育种技术,有望攻克传统育种周期长、稳定慢、选择难的技术瓶颈,全面推进我国大豆单倍体快速育种技术升级应用。(Mutation ofGmDMPgenes triggers haploid induction in soybean.www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.03.24.585499v1)



Figure 1Mutation ofGmDMPgenestriggers haploid induction insoybean.

(a)The CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis vector comprising four sgRNAs targetingGmDMP.(b)Schematic representation ofGmDMP1andGmDMP2gene structures and genome editing experimental design. Filledblocks indicate the coding region. Green blocks correspond to the regions encoding the four predicted transmembrane domains (TMs). Red lines indicatethe four regions (T1–4) targeted by sgRNAs. The relevant sequences from the wild-type (WT) and mutant alleles are shown below the gene structureschematics.(c) Inducerseeds with varying degrees of abortion. (d-j) Phenotypes of plants (d), leaves(e),bean pods (f), flower buds (g), and dissected flower parts (h,i,j) of haploid and diploid plants. (k) Haploid(H)and diploid(D)anthers after staining with potassium iodide. (l) Flow cytometryconfirmation of the ploidy of a putative haploid and a diploid control.(m)Haploid plant at harvest time(m1:Solid haploid pod,m2: Unsolid haploid pod).(n)Haploid induction rate (HIR) of WT orgmdmpmutant byselfing.(o) seed setting rate of haploid.Scale bars:1cm (c,f),5cm (d),4cm (e),5mm (f),2mm (g), 1mm (h, i and j), 0.1mm (k).